3 Reasons to implemement Layered process audits
As the manufacturing world advances at speeds never seen before, your own company must advance along. In the last article we shared 3 things you shall know about LPAs, this time we will talk a little bit more about the benefits of the LPA application and its correct management could bring to your company.
The main reason to implement LPA is to increase your business competitiveness, since you will be able to identify high risk process variations that could lead to quality issues in your products. It will also help you identify error proof systems that became inneffective and sometimes obsolete with time. Using the LPA discipline you can reduce and eliminate waste, thus company competitive advantage increases as a result.
We recommend you to download our questionnaire for the Quality manager to respond before implenting an LPA process.
Real time and measurable data
Information is power. A good LPA system will guide you in the correct path to find problems, identify root causes and the solutions to permanently eliminated them, thanks to the escalation nature of the LPA, the identification of the issues and the possible solutions takes into account all levels of the organization, with a significant impact in the cost of quality, reduction of rework, reduction in customer complaints and warranty returns.
The implementation of a good LPA system includes reporting and follow up tools, on which findings and corrective actions are captured on real time, as part of the improvement process. An effective system to record audit information to be able to produce process data and identify improvement low hanging fruit as well as medium and long term opportunities.
The Digital Era
Leaving the paper era behind is a must for world class companies. Using the correct tool, an online software for example, will make the LPA process more productive, delivering data and time to find solutions that will have an real impact on the day to day operations. The investment in a digital LPA solution will bring savings to the company, mainly on the reduction of the auditors and administrators time, elimination of audit printing costs, and of course the reduction in the cost of bad quality.
We recommend you to download the questionnaire for your quality manager to respond before implementing an LPA process.